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Solver Configuration

Group /input/solver


Number of used threads

Type: int

Range: \(\geq 1\)

Length: 1


Vector with timepoints at which the solution is evaluated

Unit: \(\mathrm{s}\)

Type: double

Range: \(\geq 0\)

Length: Arbitrary


Consistent initialization mode (optional, defaults to \(1\)). Valid values are:

  1. None

  2. Full

  3. Once, full

  4. Lean

  5. Once, lean

  6. Full once, then lean

  7. None once, then full

  8. None once, then lean

Type: int

Range: \(\{ 0, \dots, 7\}\)

Length: 1


Consistent initialization mode for parameter sensitivities (optional, defaults to \(1\)). Valid values are:

  1. None

  2. Full

  3. Once, full

  4. Lean

  5. Once, lean

  6. Full once, then lean

  7. None once, then full

  8. None once, then lean

Type: int

Range: \(\{ 0, \dots, 7\}\)

Length: 1

Group /solver/time_integrator


Specifies whether modified or full Newton method should be used (optional, defaults to \(0\))

Type: int

Range: \(\{0, 1\}\)

Length: 1


Absolute tolerance in the solution of the original system

Type: double

Range: \(> 0\)

Length: 1


Relative tolerance in the solution of the original system

Type: double

Range: \(\geq 0\)

Length: 1


Tolerance in the solution of the nonlinear consistency equations

Type: double

Range: \(> 0\)

Length: 1


Relative tolerance in the solution of the sensitivity systems

Type: double

Range: \(\geq 0\)

Length: 1


Initial time integrator step size for each section or one value for all sections (0.0: IDAS default value), see IDAS guide 4.5, p.36f.

Unit: \(\mathrm{s}\)

Type: double

Range: \(\geq 0\)

Length: \(1 / \texttt{NSEC}\)


Maximum number of timesteps taken by IDAS (0: IDAS default = 500), see IDAS guide Sec.~4.5

Type: int

Range: \(\geq 0\)

Length: 1


Maximum size of timesteps taken by IDAS (optional, defaults to unlimited 0.0), see IDAS guide Sec.~4.5

Unit: \(\mathrm{s}\)

Type: double

Range: \(\geq 0\)

Length: 1


Determines whether (forward) sensitivities take part in local error test (optional, defaults to 1)

Type: int

Range: \(\{0,1\}\)

Length: 1


Maximum number of Newton iterations in time step (optional, defaults to 4 (IDAS default))

Type: int

Range: \(\geq 0\)

Length: 1


Maximum number of local error test failures in time step (optional, defaults to 10 (IDAS default))

Type: int

Range: \(\geq 0\)

Length: 1


Maximum number of Newton convergence test failures (optional, defaults to 10 (IDAS default))

Type: int

Range: \(\geq 0\)

Length: 1


Maximum number of Newton iterations in forward sensitivity time step (optional, defaults to 4 (IDAS default))

Type: int

Range: \(\geq 0\)

Length: 1

Group /solver/sections


Number of sections

Type: int

Range: \(\geq 1\)

Length: 1


Simulation times at which the model changes or behaves discontinously; including start and end times

Unit: \(\mathrm{s}\)

Type: double

Range: \(\geq 0\)

Length: \(\texttt{NSEC}+1\)


Continuity indicator for each section transition: 0 (discontinuous) or 1 (continuous).

Type: int

Range: \(\{0,1\}\)

Length: \(\texttt{NSEC}-1\)