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CADET build options

For builds on MS Windows, the CMake command arguments are specified for every build configuration in the cmakeSettings.json. For builds on Linux and MacOs, the CMake command arguments must be specified from the command line.


The cmakeSettings.json provides standard build configurations for a DEBUG build, a RELEASE build and a RELEASE_with_Debug_Info build.

The DEBUG build compiles code suited for debugging, i.e. the code is compiled such that every line of code is individually executed. This way, it is possible to go through the code line by line and to set breakpoints in an IDE such as MS Visual Studio. Additionally, the DEBUG build will print additional information during the simulation, such as the current step size and time point of the simulation.

The RELEASE build compiles optimized code and should be used to actually use CADET for simulations.

The RELEASE_with_Debug_Info build compiles optimized code but some debug information will still be printed.

The RELEASE_with_Tests and DEBUG_with_Test build options additionally build the testRunner, which is required to run the integrated tests in CADET-Core.


The following build arguments can be set in the cmakeSettings.json or from the cmake command line:

  • DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: location for the installed CADET-Core framework.

  • DENABLE_STATIC_LINK_LAPACK Prefer static over dynamic linking of LAPACK and BLAS into the CADET-Core framework. Static linking incorporates all necessary libraries into the final executable at compile time, while dynamic linking loads libraries at runtime. Static linking produces larger executables that are less dependent on changes in the operating system. Dynamic linking allows for dynamic updates of underlying libraries and smaller compiled software.

  • DENABLE_STATIC_LINK_DEPS: Prefer static over dynamic linking of dependencies into the CADET-Core framework.

  • DENABLE_STATIC_LINK_CLI: Prefers static over dynamic linking for CADET CLI.

  • DENABLE_TESTS: Build the restRunner executable to evaluate the integrated tests in CADET-Core.

  • DENABLE_ANALYTIC_JACOBIAN_CHECK: Computes both the analytical and AD Jacobian and compares them for testing purpose.

  • DENABLE_THREADING: Enables multi-threading capabilities. Parallelized code will be compiled, using the TBB library. Note that the non-parallelized code is faster compared to the parallelized code when only one thread is being used. The number of threads is specified in the filed N_THREADS.

  • DBLA_VENDOR: Vendor for the BLAS & LAPACK library. If unset, the system library will be used. By default on Windows we use the Intel OneApi library, specified with Intel10_64lp_seq. If a parallelized build is generated, this should be set to Intel10_64lp.

  • DENABLE_LOGGING: Enables logging functionality.

  • DENABLE_BENCHMARK: Activates benchmark mode for fine-grained timing.

  • DENABLE_PLATFORM_TIMER: Utilizes a platform-dependent timer.

  • DENABLE_DEBUG_THREADING: Activates multi-threading in debug builds.

  • DENABLE_2D_MODELS: Builds 2D models such as the 2D general rate model and multichannel transport.

  • DENABLE_DG: Constructs DG variants of models.

  • DENABLE_SUNDIALS_OPENMP: Prefers the OpenMP vector implementation of SUNDIALS for large problems if available.

  • DENABLE_CADET_CLI: Builds the CADET command line interface.

  • DENABLE_CADET_TOOLS: Constructs CADET tools.


  • DENABLE_IPO: Enables interprocedural optimization if the compiler supports it.

  • DCMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH: Adds paths to linker search and installed rpath.

  • DNUM_MAX_AD_DIRS: Specifies the number of allowed AD directions (default value is 80). Increasing this value can decrease performance when AD is being used.

The following build arguments are exclusive to builds on MS windows:

  • DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET: We use vcpkg to manage our dependencies. This triplet specifies which version of the dependencies should be installed. It takes the form of architecture-os-linking, so x64-windows-static for our use cases.

The following build arguments can only be used with the Clang or GCC compilers:

  • DENABLE_ASAN: enables the address sanitizer.

  • DENABLE_UBSAN: enables the undefined behaviour sanitizer.