.. _build_linux: Build for Linux =============== Prerequisites ------------- - CMake (>= 3.12.0) - GCC >= 5.0 or Clang >= 3.4 - Optional: MATLAB R2009a or greater - Optional: Git Assumed directory structure: .. raw:: html
      |   |- sundials
      |   |- hdf5
      |   |- superlu
      |   |- suitesparse
Note that the version numbers of the files and packages below are subject to change and will not always reflect the most recent version. Build dependencies ------------------ HDF5 ~~~~ You can either build HDF5 yourself or rely on the packages provided by your Linux distribution. Obtain HDF5 from your distribution: \* Install the development package of your distribution (e.g., ``libhdf5-dev`` for Ubuntu and Debian, ``hdf5-devel`` OpenSUSE) \* Additional postfixes or prefixes in the library names (e.g., Debian uses ``libhdf5_serial.*`` instead of ``libhdf5.*``) can cause troubles when CMake is trying to find HDF5. If this is the case, you can circumvent this by using symlinks ``ln -s libhdf5_serial.* libhdf5.*``. However, this can later cause troubles because other packages might contain this file. Build HDF5 yourself: \* Download CMake-enabled source from https://www.hdfgroup.org/downloads/hdf5/source-code/ \* Unzip and make sure that the directory path does not contain blank spaces \* Open a terminal and change to the unzipped directory \* Execute ``ctest -S HDF5config.cmake,BUILD_GENERATOR=Unix,INSTALLDIR="/Libs/hdf5" -C Release -V`` \* Extract the created ``HDF5-1.10.0-patch1-Linux.tar.gz`` file to ``/Libs/hdf5`` such that you have ``/Libs/hdf5/lib`` SUNDIALS ~~~~~~~~ - Download SUNDIALS source from http://computation.llnl.gov/projects/sundials/sundials-software (version <= 3.2.1) - Unzip - Open a terminal and change to the parent directory of the unzipped directory - Create a new folder ``sundialsbuild`` and change to it - Execute ``cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/Libs/sundials" -DEXAMPLES_ENABLE=OFF -DOPENMP_ENABLE=ON -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-fPIC ../sundials-3.2.1/`` - Execute ``make install`` - Delete the folder ``sundialsbuild`` (e.g., execute ``rm -rf sundialsbuild`` in the parent directory of ``sundialsbuild``) LAPACK ~~~~~~ You can either use a LAPACK implementation provided by your distribution or install the freely available `Intel MKL `__ which is very fast and probably faster than your distribution’s implementation. Obtain LAPACK from your distribution: \* Install the packages (LAPACK and BLAS) of your distribution (e.g., ``liblapack3``, ``liblapack-dev``, ``libblas3``, ``libblas-dev`` for Ubuntu and Debian). Note that some packages only provide reference (i.e., slow) implementations and others (e.g., ATLAS, GOTO) perform much faster. SuperLU ~~~~~~~ - Download SuperLU source from https://github.com/xiaoyeli/superlu - Unzip - Open a terminal and change to the parent directory of the unzipped directory - Create a new folder ``superlubuild`` and change to it - Execute ``cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/Libs/superlu" -Denable_complex=OFF -Denable_complex16=OFF -Denable_blaslib=OFF -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-fPIC -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ../SuperLU_5.2.1/`` - Execute ``make install`` - Delete the folder ``superlubuild`` (e.g., execute ``rm -rf superlubuild`` in the parent directory of ``superlubuild``) UMFPACK ~~~~~~~ - Download SuiteSparse source from http://faculty.cse.tamu.edu/davis/suitesparse.html - Unzip - Open a terminal and change to the unzipped directory - Execute ``make install INSTALL="/Libs/suitesparse" CHOLMOD_CONFIG=-DNPARTITION`` or ``make install INSTALL="/Libs/suitesparse" CHOLMOD_CONFIG=-DNPARTITION AUTOCC=no CC= CXX=`` if you want to manually select the compiler Build CADET ----------- - Download release of CADET or checkout from git - Place the source in ``/code`` and create the directory ``/build`` - Open a terminal and change to ``/build`` - If you have built HDF5 yourself, execute ``export HDF5_ROOT=/Libs/hdf5`` - Execute ``export SUNDIALS_ROOT=/Libs/sundials`` - Execute ``export SUPERLU_ROOT=/Libs/superlu`` - Execute ``export UMFPACK_ROOT=/Libs/suitesparse`` - If using MKL, execute ``export MKLROOT=/opt/intel/mkl`` - Using standard LAPACK: Execute ``cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/cadet" ../code/`` Using MKL (sequential): Execute ``cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/cadet" -DBLA_VENDOR=Intel10_64lp_seq ../code/`` Using MKL (parallel): Execute ``cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/cadet" -DBLA_VENDOR=Intel10_64lp ../code/`` - If CMake was not able to locate MATLAB, execute ``export MATLAB_ROOT=/path/to/my/MATLAB/R2016a`` and try to run CMake again - Execute ``make`` - Execute ``make install`` Before running cadet, make sure to - add ``/cadet/bin`` to your ``PATH``, by executing ``export PATH=/cadet/bin:$PATH``, and - add ``/cadet/lib`` to your ``LD_LIBRARY_PATH``, by executing ``export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/cadet/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH``.