.. _FFModelSystem: System of unit operations ========================= Group /input/model ------------------ ``NUNITS`` Number of unit operations in the system ============= ========================= ============= **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\geq 1` **Length:** 1 ============= ========================= ============= ``INIT_STATE_Y`` Initial full state vector (optional, unit operation specific initial data is ignored) ============= ========================= ============= **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\geq 1` **Length:** 1 ============= ========================= ============= ``INIT_STATE_YDOT`` Initial full time derivative state vector (optional, unit operation specific initial data is ignored) ================ ================================== **Type:** double **Length:** :math:`\texttt{NDOF}` ================ ================================== ``INIT_STATE_SENSY_XXX`` Number of unit operations in the system ================ ================================== **Type:** double **Length:** :math:`\texttt{NDOF}` ================ ================================== ``INIT_STATE_SENSYDOT_XXX`` Initial full state vector of the :math:`\texttt{XXX}` th sensitivity system (optional, unit operation specific initial data is ignored) ================ ================================== **Type:** double **Length:** :math:`\texttt{NDOF}` ================ ================================== ``NUNITS`` Initial full time derivative state vector of the :math:`\texttt{XXX}` th sensitivity system (optional, unit operation specific initial data is ignored) ================ ================================== **Type:** double **Length:** :math:`\texttt{NDOF}` ================ ================================== .. _FFModelSystemConnections: Group /input/model/connections ------------------------------ ``NSWITCHES`` Number of valve switches ============= ========================= ============= **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\geq 1` **Length:** 1 ============= ========================= ============= ``CONNECTIONS_INCLUDE_PORTS`` Determines whether the :math:`\texttt{CONNECTIONS}` table includes ports (:math:`1`) or not (:math:`0`). Optional, defaults to 0 unless a unit operation model with multiple ports is present. ============= ============================ ============= **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{ 0,1 \}` **Length:** 1 ============= ============================ ============= ``CONNECTIONS_INCLUDE_DYNAMIC_FLOW`` Determines whether the :math:`\texttt{CONNECTIONS}` table includes linear, quadratic, and cubic flow rate coefficients (1) or not (0). Optional, defaults to 0. ============= ============================ ============= **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{ 0,1 \}` **Length:** 1 ============= ============================ ============= .. _FFModelConnectionSwitch: Group /input/model/connections/switch_XXX ----------------------------------------- ``SECTION`` Index of the section that activates this connection set ============= ========================= ============= **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\geq 0` **Length:** 1 ============= ========================= ============= ``CONNECTIONS`` Matrix with list of connections in row-major storage. Columns are *UnitOpID from*, *UnitOpID to*, *Port from*, *Port to*, *Component from*, *Component to*, *volumetric flow rate*, *linear flow rate coefficient*, *quadratic flow rate coefficient*, *cubic flow rate coefficient*. If both port indices are :math:`-1`, all ports are connected. If both component indices are :math:`-1`, all components are connected. The flow rate is a cubic function of time, .. math:: Q = Q_0 + Q_1(t - t_s) + Q_2(t-t_s)^2 + Q_3(t-t_s)^3, where :math:`t_s` is the beginning of the section that activates the switch (i.e., :math:`\texttt{SECTION_TIMES}` at index :math:`\texttt{SECTION}`). The port indices are left out if :math:`\texttt{CONNECTIONS_INCLUDE_PORTS}` is set to :math:`0` and no unit operation with multiple ports is present in the system. If a unit operation with multiple ports is present, :math:`\texttt{CONNECTIONS_INCLUDE_PORTS}` is ignored and port indices are mandatory. The last three flow rate coefficients are left out if :math:`\texttt{CONNECTIONS_INCLUDE_DYNAMIC_FLOW}` is set to :math:`0`. Contrary to the constant coefficient, which has the parameter name :math:`\texttt{CONNECTION}`, the other coefficients are named :math:`\texttt{CONNECTION_LIN}`, :math:`\texttt{CONNECTION_QUAD}`, and :math:`\texttt{CONNECTION_CUB}`, respectively. For addressing the flow rates as a parameter senstivity, the mapping is as follows: - :math:`\texttt{SENS_UNIT}` Unused, always set to :math:`-1` - :math:`\texttt{SENS_BOUNDPHASE}` *UnitOpID from* - :math:`\texttt{SENS_REACTION}` *UnitOpID to* - :math:`\texttt{SENS_COMP}` *Port from* - :math:`\texttt{SENS_PARTYPE}` *Port to* - :math:`\texttt{SENS_SECTION}` :math:`\texttt{SECTION}` that activates the valve switch ================ ========================== ============================================================ **Type:** double **Range:** :math:`\geq -1` **Length:** :math:`\{5,7,8,10\} \cdot \texttt{NCONNECTIONS}` ================ ========================== ============================================================ .. _FFModelExternalSourceLinInterp: Group /input/model/external/source_XXX - EXTFUN_TYPE = LINEAR_INTERP_DATA ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ``VELOCITY`` Velocity of the external profile in positive column axial direction. The velocity is normalized to a column with length 1, hence the unit :math:`\mathrm{s}^{-1}`. **Unit:** :math:`\mathrm{s}^{-1}` ================ ========================= ============= **Type:** double **Range:** :math:`\geq 0` **Length:** 1 ================ ========================= ============= ``DATA`` Function values :math:`T` at the data points **Unit:** :math:`[\mathrm{Ext}]` ================ ============================= ===================== **Type:** double **Range:** :math:`\mathbb{R}` **Length:** Arbitrary ================ ============================= ===================== ``TIME`` Time of the data points **Unit:** :math:`\mathrm{s}` ================ =========================== ========================================= **Type:** double **Range:** :math:`\geq 0.0` **Length:** Same as :math:`\texttt{DATA}` ================ =========================== ========================================= .. _FFModelExternalSourcePieceCubicPoly: Group /input/model/external/source_XXX - EXTFUN_TYPE = PIECEWISE_CUBIC_POLY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ``VELOCITY`` Velocity of the external profile in positive column axial direction. The velocity is normalized to a column with length 1, hence the unit :math:`\mathrm{s}^{-1}`. **Unit:** :math:`\mathrm{s}^{-1}` ================ ========================= ============= **Type:** double **Range:** :math:`\geq 0` **Length:** 1 ================ ========================= ============= ``CONST_COEFF`` Constant coefficients of piecewise cubic polynomial **Unit:** :math:`[\mathrm{Ext}]` ================ ============================= ===================== **Type:** double **Range:** :math:`\mathbb{R}` **Length:** Arbitrary ================ ============================= ===================== ``LIN_COEFF`` Linear coefficients of piecewise cubic polynomial **Unit:** :math:`[\mathrm{Ext}]\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}` ================ ============================= ================================================ **Type:** double **Range:** :math:`\mathbb{R}` **Length:** Same as :math:`\texttt{CONST_COEFF}` ================ ============================= ================================================ ``QUAD_COEFF`` Quadratic coefficients of piecewise cubic polynomial **Unit:** :math:`[\mathrm{Ext}]\,\mathrm{s}^{-2}` ================ ============================= ================================================ **Type:** double **Range:** :math:`\mathbb{R}` **Length:** Same as :math:`\texttt{CONST_COEFF}` ================ ============================= ================================================ ``CUBE_COEFF`` Cubic coefficients of piecewise cubic polynomial **Unit:** :math:`[\mathrm{Ext}]\,\mathrm{s}^{-3}` ================ ============================= ================================================ **Type:** double **Range:** :math:`\mathbb{R}` **Length:** Same as :math:`\texttt{CONST_COEFF}` ================ ============================= ================================================ ``SECTION_TIMES`` Simulation times at which a new piece begins (breaks of the piecewise polynomial) **Unit:** :math:`\mathrm{s}` ================ =========================== ========================================== **Type:** double **Range:** :math:`\geq 0.0` **Length:** :math:`\texttt{CONST_COEFF}+1` ================ =========================== ========================================== .. _FFModelSolver: Group /input/model/solver ------------------------- ``GS_TYPE`` Type of Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization, see IDAS guide Section~, p.~41f. A value of :math:`0` enables classical Gram-Schmidt, a value of 1 uses modified Gram-Schmidt. ============= =========================== ============= **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0, 1\}` **Length:** 1 ============= =========================== ============= ``MAX_KRYLOV`` Defines the size of the Krylov subspace in the iterative linear GMRES solver (0: :math:`\texttt{MAX_KRYLOV} = \texttt{NDOF}`) ============= ============================================== ============= **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0, \dots, \texttt{NDOF}\}` **Length:** 1 ============= ============================================== ============= ``MAX_RESTARTS`` Maximum number of restarts in the GMRES algorithm. If lack of memory is not an issue, better use a larger Krylov space than restarts. ============= ========================= ============= **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\geq 0` **Length:** 1 ============= ========================= ============= ``SCHUR_SAFETY`` Schur safety factor; Influences the tradeoff between linear iterations and nonlinear error control; see IDAS guide Section~2.1 and 5. ================ ========================= ============= **Type:** double **Range:** :math:`\geq 0` **Length:** 1 ================ ========================= ============= ``LINEAR_SOLUTION_MODE`` Determines whether the system of models is solved in parallel (1) or sequentially (2). A sequential solution is only possible for systems without cyclic connections. The setting can be chosen automatically (0) based on a heuristic (less than 6 unit operations and acyclic network selects sequential mode). Optional, defaults to automatic (0). ============= ============================== ============= **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{ 0,1,2 \}` **Length:** 1 ============= ============================== =============