.. _return: Return data =========== Group /input/return ------------------- ``WRITE_SOLUTION_TIMES`` Write times at which a solution was produced (optional, defaults to 1) ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``WRITE_SOLUTION_LAST`` Write full solution state vector at last time point (optional, defaults to 0) ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``WRITE_SENS_LAST`` Write full sensitivity state vectors at last time point (optional, defaults to 0) ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``SPLIT_COMPONENTS_DATA`` Determines whether a joint dataset (matrix or tensor) for all components is created or if each component is put in a separate dataset (:math:`\texttt{XXX_COMP_000}`, :math:`\texttt{XXX_COMP_001}`, etc.) (optional, defaults to 1) ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``SPLIT_PORTS_DATA`` Determines whether a joint dataset (matrix or tensor) for all inlet/outlet ports is created or if each port is put in a separate dataset (:math:`\texttt{XXX_PORT_000}`, :math:`\texttt{XXX_PORT_001}`, etc.) (optional, defaults to 1) ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``SINGLE_AS_MULTI_PORT`` Determines whether single port unit operations are treated as multi port unit operations in the output naming scheme (i.e., :math:`\texttt{_PORT_XYZ_}` is added to the name) (optional, defaults to 0) ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== Group /input/return/unit_XXX ---------------------------- ``WRITE_COORDINATES`` Write coordinates of discretization nodes ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``WRITE_SOLUTION_INLET`` Write solutions at unit operation inlet :math:`c^l_i(t,0)` ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``WRITE_SOLUTION_OUTLET`` Write solutions at unit operation outlet (chromatograms) :math:`c^l_i(t,L)` ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``WRITE_SOLUTION_BULK`` Write solutions of the bulk volume :math:`c^l_i` ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``WRITE_SOLUTION_PARTICLE`` Write solutions of the particle mobile phase :math:`c^p_{j,i}` ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``WRITE_SOLUTION_SOLID`` Write solutions of the solid phase :math:`c^s_{j,i,m_{j,i}}` ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``WRITE_SOLUTION_FLUX`` Write solutions of the bead fluxes :math:`j_{f,i}` ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``WRITE_SOLUTION_VOLUME`` Write solutions of the volume V ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``WRITE_SOLDOT_INLET`` Write solution time derivatives at unit operation inlet :math:`\partial c^l_i(t,0) / \partial t` ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``WRITE_SOLDOT_OUTLET`` Write solution time derivatives at unit operation outlet (chromatograms) :math:`\partial c^l_i(t,L) / \partial t` ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``WRITE_SOLDOT_BULK`` Write solution time derivatives of the bulk volume :math:`\partial c^l_i / \partial t` ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``WRITE_SOLDOT_PARTICLE`` Write solution time derivatives of the particle mobile phase :math:`\partial c^p_{j,i} / \partial t` ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``WRITE_SOLDOT_SOLID`` Write solution time derivatives of the solid phase :math:`\partial c^s_{j,i,m_{j,i}} / \partial t` ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``WRITE_SOLDOT_FLUX`` Write solution time derivatives of the bead fluxes :math:`\partial j_{f,i} / \partial t` ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``WRITE_SOLDOT_VOLUME`` Write solution time derivatives of the volume :math:`\partial V / \partial t` ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``WRITE_SENS_INLET`` Write sensitivities at unit operation inlet :math:`\partial c^l_i(t,0) / \partial p` ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``WRITE_SENS_OUTLET`` Write sensitivities at unit operation outlet (chromatograms) :math:`\partial c^l_i(t,L) / \partial p` ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``WRITE_SENS_BULK`` Write sensitivities of the bulk volume :math:`\partial c^l_i / \partial p` ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``WRITE_SENS_PARTICLE`` Write sensitivities of the particle mobile phase :math:`\partial c^p_{j,i} / \partial p` ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``WRITE_SENS_SOLID`` Write sensitivities of the solid phase :math:`\partial c^s_{j,i,m_{j,i}} / \partial p` ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``WRITE_SENS_FLUX`` Write sensitivities of the bead fluxes :math:`\partial j_{f,i} / \partial p` ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``WRITE_SENS_VOLUME`` Write sensitivities of the volume :math:`\partial V / \partial p` ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``WRITE_SENSDOT_INLET`` Write sensitivity time derivatives at unit operation inlet :math:`\partial^2 c^l_i(t,0) / (\partial p, \partial t)` ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``WRITE_SENSDOT_OUTLET`` Write sensitivity time derivatives at unit operation outlet (chromatograms) :math:`\partial^2 c^l_i(t,L) / (\partial p, \partial t)` ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``WRITE_SENSDOT_BULK`` Write sensitivity time derivatives of the bulk volume :math:`\partial^2 c^l_i / (\partial p, \partial t)` ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``WRITE_SENSDOT_PARTICLE`` Write sensitivity time derivatives of the particle mobile phase :math:`\partial^2 c^p_{j,i} / (\partial p, \partial t)` ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``WRITE_SENSDOT_SOLID`` Write sensitivity time derivatives of the solid phase :math:`\partial^2 c^s_{j,i,m_{j,i}} / (\partial p, \partial t)` ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``WRITE_SENSDOT_FLUX`` Write sensitivity time derivatives of the bead fluxes :math:`\partial^2 j_{f,i} / (\partial p, \partial t)` ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``WRITE_SENSDOT_VOLUME`` Write sensitivity time derivatives of the volume :math:`\partial^2 V / (\partial p, \partial t)` ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ========================== ``WRITE_SOLUTION_LAST_UNIT`` Write solution state vector of this unit at last time point ============= ========================== **Type:** int **Range:** :math:`\{0,1\}` ============= ==========================