Graphing ^^^^^^^^ Graphing in CADETMatch is done asyncronously from the normal running however it still takes computing time to generate the graphs. There is a tradeoff between how frequently graphs are generated to see the progress and how much progress is slowed by generating the graphs. Graphs are generated at the end of a generation/step during estimation/error modeling. If the time in seconds since the last time graphs where generated at the end of a step than the specified time then the graphs are generated again and the time is reset. All times are in seconds. =================== =========== ================ ========== ================================================================================================= Key Values Default Required Description =================== =========== ================ ========== ================================================================================================= graphGenerateTime Integer 3600 No Generate progress graphs and graphs of the simulations on the pareto front graphMetaTime Integer 1200 No Generate progress graphs only =================== =========== ================ ========== =================================================================================================